Planning Ahead And Locating Underground Assests
Planning and locating all underground assets before commencing any project is vital for safety and regulatory requirements. TVE offers 24-hour underground utility locating services and on-site damage prevention consultation for construction and civil clients throughout Queensland.
Identifying underground cables, drains, and other utilities prevents damage to existing underground services and ensures there are no costly project blowouts or delays.
Using the latest technology, our expert technicians, including accredited underground service locators in Brisbane, can accurately locate the path and depth of services before ‘breaking ground’. We provide on-site information and field reports for every job.
TVE adheres to national standard AS 5488.1-2019 ‘Classification of Subsurface Utility Information’
Our DBYD accredited Operatives will complete all utility locations to the various quality levels as per this standard and your requirements including for design or excavation. We employ the latest methods to ensure comprehensive results, including;
Ground Penetrating Radar
Radio Detection
Acoustic Leak Detection
Electronic Pulse Generator
Organise DBYD plans for your project.
Locate all underground services and surface mark.
Potholing and non-destructive digging around services.
Pothole and confirmation of services including depths.
Back-fill and install marked 90mm PVC on top of located asset.
Provide plans and drawings of all services within your work area including all depths and alignments.
Our DBYD accredited locators provide on-site information including field reports for every job