Quick, Clean and Precise
Also known as “non destructive digging in Brisbane ”, “hydro excavation”, “potholing”, “hydro-trenching” or “soft digging”. Vacuum Excavation in Brisbane is the process of using pressurized water and a vacuum source to remove the material which includes soil, slurry and small rocks.
Vacuum Excavation in Brisbane is a non-mechanical and non-destructive process that combines pressurized water and a high flow of moving air to simultaneously excavate and evacuate soils at a controlled rate. The soil and water slurry are conveyed via a suction hose to a truck-mounted storage tank.
This process allows for quick, clean and precise evacuations which require less backfill, less labour force, less restoration and less environmental impact than conventional digging methods.
Looking for an excavator hire in Brisbane? Contact TVE services now!
A controlled flow water stream allows for surgeon-like accuracy.
Non destructive digging in Brisbane very effective when mapping utilities.
Allows for exposure of energized buried lines and to record depths and locations of buried utilities.
Utility companies across the country are favoring Vacuum Excavation in Brisbane, because of the immense safety benefits.
Once an accurate map of buried utilities is made, future construction can safely begin.
Damage to line casings and pipe coating are minimised.
While removing only material necessary for repair or inspection, minimal material needs to be removed when compared with the large, less-than-accurate excavator or back-hoe bucket.